I go by the name Abu Ubaida Akash but prefer to be called Ubaida. Currently, I am pursuing a research-type master’s in Computer Science at Université de Sherbrooke under the supervision of Dr. Amine Trabelsi. My research interests include, but are not limited to, natural language processing, computational linguistics, information retrieval, and machine learning. Apart from this, I am actively collaborating with Mir Tafseer Nayeem from the University of Alberta, Canada. One of my long papers has been accepted to appear at EACL 2023 (main).
Previously, I was appointed as a Research Engineer at AIMS Lab, United International University (UIU), Bangladesh, in the project titled “AIMScribe: Automated and Intelligent Medical Scriber for Doctor-Patient Conversation”.
Before that, I worked as a Machine Learning Research Engineer at Intelsense AI under the Speech and Engineering Division. I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Email: akash [dot] ubaida [at] gmail [dot] com
📢 Recent News
- [Aug 18, 2023] Moved to Canada.
- [Jun 30, 2023] Quit from the Research Engineer role of UIU.
- [May 02, 2023] Attended EACL 2023 (Dubrovnik, Croatia) virtually.
- [Feb 01, 2023] Started working for AIMS Lab, UIU as a Research Engineer.
- [Jan 22, 2023] One long paper has been accepted at EACL 2023 (main).
- [Nov 12, 2022] Submitted a paper in Cybernetics and Systems journal.
- [Oct 05, 2022] Submitted a paper in EACL 2023.
- [Jun 15, 2022] Selected as one of the finalists in the Robi-Datathon 2.0 competition.
- [May 01, 2022] Quit from the full-time job of Intelsense AI.
- [Jan 13, 2022] Officially completed my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.
- [Jan 03, 2022] Successfuly defended my undergraduate thesis!
- [Sep 01, 2022] Got promoted as Machine Learning Research Engineer at Intelsense AI under the Speech and Engineering Division.
- [Jun 01, 2021] Started 3 months long internship at Intelsense AI as a Machine Learning Research Intern.